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New website!

As part of our year-long 20th anniversary celebration, we are launching a new Dennis Public Library website. 

We have been working with our developer since November and have just about completed the work. It will have a new look and, hopefully, be easier to navigate.

Our new website has been made possible by a generous bequest from former Dennis Port resident Olga Noxon. Our sincerest gratitude, Olga!

March's BookPage has arrived!

March 2025

The March online issue of BookPage is here. Enjoy the unique perspective this publication gives into authors and their works.

Click on the cover to go to our landing page, where the latest issue can be accessed along with older issues. Once you see the magazine cover, you may advance by using the arrow or click on the "+" sign to make the print larger as needed.

The Friends of Dennis Public Library pay for our subscription. Pick up a hard copy at the library while supplies last.