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Author Event: Kumara Sidhartha MD, MPH

Saturday, August 17th at 11:00 a.m. 

Dr. Kumara Sidhartha will discuss his book All My Secrets: Uncovering Messages of Health From Your Body, Decoded

Wrapped in a layer of fiction and a plot with a twist, Dr. Kumara Sidhartha’s All My Secrets stands on solid pillars of scientific evidence to connect the dots between food, the inner workings of the human body, and a superior state of health. With thirty delicious, easy-to make, plant-based recipes, All My Secrets brings actionable steps to take you on a clear path to optimal health.

This event will include a brief introduction of the book, a Q&A on nutrition and health, and a book signing. Books will be available for purchase.

Click here to check out a video trailer and learn more about the book.

No registration is required. Please call the library at 508-760-6219 with any questions.