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August Art Show

August 2024

During the month of August our meeting room will feature artwork by artist Maureen MacAdams. 

Maureen resides in the seaside town of Winthrop with her husband, Gary, and their pets, Gus (a rescue dog) and Dr. Seuss (a big black cat). A graduate of Winthrop High School; she was awarded a scholarship to Chamberlayne College, Boston, and earned a degree in Interior Design. She has practiced her design skills for over 40 years. 

Maureen is not fixed on one craft or media and has dabbled with yarn, fabric, quilting, wallpaper, paint, pastels, oils, and colored pencils, as well as driftwood, and sea glass. Her current projects have included broken jewelry being shaped into objects of nature. Maureen has a knack for taking ordinary and embellishing items, recreating their use, and transforming their functions and appearances, and producing pleasing spaces or art features, and revising a piece of furniture with great satisfaction. Two pieces were featured in a juries exhibit at the Hull Lifesaving Museum in Hull, Massachusetts in April 2023. In spring of 2024, she was honored with a third-place ribbon for driftwood art using acrylics and second-place for mixed media at the Winthrop Art Festival.

“The ocean and mountains of New England bring me such peace and tranquility. I love spending a day by the sea breathing in salt air, or a walk in the woods enjoying the overpowering scent of spruce and balsam. In both situations, I seek out elements I can use creatively.”