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Scrunch-Paint a Silk Scarf Program


Saturday, July 20th at 12:00 p.m. 

Kulina Folk Art will host a fun workshop on creating stunning tie-dye style silk scarves. No experience necessary! Perfect for beginners, this workshop will guide you through the magical world of colors and how to expertly blend them using our permanent, high chroma, highly transparent liquid fabric paint. During the workshop, we will provide step-by-step instructions for a creative process that will leave you with a wearable masterpiece. Your blank scarf is made from 100% silk, ensuring its luxurious quality, carefully hand-rolled and hand-sewn, measuring 8 inches by 54 inches. Each participant will leave with a beautiful silk scarf masterpiece. After the workshop, simply allow your creation to dry overnight before ironing it on the silk setting, to permanently set the vibrant colors.

We recommend you wear or bring an old shirt to protect your clothing. 

Registration is limited. Please call the library at 508-760-6219 to register. 

This program was generously funded by the Friends of the Dennis Public Library.