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Dennis Libraries' Summer StoryWalk®

Starting Friday, June 28th

The Dennis Libraries present a StoryWalk® at Johnny Kelley Park. This summer's featured book is Crunch the Shy Dinosaur

Author Joe Cirocco Dunlap and illustrator Greg Pizzoli introduce a brontosaurus named "Crunch." He is quiet and shy, but, never fear, this picture book gives tips on how to make a new friend, especially one who might be a little different from you. 

We hope readers of all ages join the fun. Afterwards, feel free to spend time exploring all of the park’s offerings.  

The StoryWalk® concept was created by Anne Ferguson of MontpelierVT, and developed with the help of Rachel Senechal of the Kellogg-Hubbard Library. 

The Dennis Libraries thank these two innovative women, along with the Recreation Department and the Department of Public Works for the Town of Dennis, for making this event possible.