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May Art Show

Friday, May 3rd - Thursday, May 30th

During the month of May our meeting room will feature paintings by artist Luba Raeva. 

Lyubina Raeva (Luba) was born in 1958 in Bulgaria. She moved to America in 2002.  In 2010 she moved to Cape Cod and, soon after, took a position working in food service at Cape Cod Hospital. When COVID hit, she began painting to artistically express herself and her feelings about the ever-changing world. Her passion for acrylic pour artwork motivates her to try new and different techniques. She continues to enjoy great feedback from colleagues and other artists.
Luba has two children and two grandchildren. She travels to Europe frequently to visit her son in Germany and family in Bulgaria. Luba spends her free time painting, gardening, and walking the beach. She says she gets a lot of inspiration from the beautiful beach sunsets and all the greenery on the Cape.

If interested in purchasing or viewing more of her artwork, please contact Luba:

774-208-3731 or raevalyubina@gmail.com