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POSTPONED~ Storyteller of Cape Cod: New England Hi-STORIES

This event has been postponed. 

Stories and folktales have many different origins, and none are so intriguing as those whose origins are rooted in the truth! Many of the tales of New England began with real people and places, and sometimes the lives of these people are more interesting than the stories they inspired! 

In this program, Jenny Lee uses examples of New England folktales based on real history, and her skills as a storyteller and a historian to show you how reality can turn into legend and how to find the truth behind the tale. 

Who are the real people behind the legendary characters? Which parts of the story really happened and which are created over time? Learn the role that oral traditions play in preserving local histories! Peek behind the storyteller’s curtain, and learn how some of New England’s richest histories turned into some of her most thrilling tales!

Jenny Lee is a history teacher, folklorist and storyteller from Cape Cod, Massachusetts. It was here during her childhood that she first heard the old folktales of Cape Cod and New England, sparking a life-long passion for local history, folklore, and storytelling. A member of the Northeast Storytelling Alliance, she specializes in the folktales and histories of New England.