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New Digital Newspaper Archive!

front page of newspapers

Digital access to The Register and The Barnstable Patriot now available

You can now search historic local newspapers from the comfort of your own home! Our collection includes issues of The Register and The Barnstable Patriot, as well as issues from other titles assumed by those periodicals over the years. 

Take some time to explore, search for relatives, favorite businesses from years past, major events on Cape Cod, and more! We hope you enjoy searching this great new resource. 

To get started, visit the online archive, or click on the newspaper image on the right-hand side of our website. Please see a librarian if you have any questions on searching the archive. 

We are truly grateful for the Community Preservation Committees of the towns of Dennis, Barnstable, and Yarmouth for funding this project and to the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the Lothropp Family Foundation for their partial funding of the digitization of The Barnstable Patriot from 1830-1930.