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Author Talk: Sedona Summer

Saturday, November 10th at noon

We are hosting a talk with local author Sedona Summer on Saturday, November 10th at noon. Sedona will be discussing her two books, “Free Your Soul” and “On the Rosy Path.”

Sedona felt motivated to share what she learned while recovering from the death of her husband, with the hope of helping others experiencing similar loss. What started as a memoir took on a life of its own and became a self-help book, "Free Your Soul," a very personal story, with spirituality at its core.

'On the Rosy Path' is a continuation of the first book and addresses the interactions with our acquaintances, our neighbors, our town, our country, and our world. It is a personal spiritual development book that offers petals to be sprinkled on any path to encourage us to start living our lives with more passion and enthusiasm. 

Join Sedona to hear how she changed her life by adopting a more spiritual approach to living. Find balance, awareness, insight, and understanding to be capable of taking a risk and be willing to accept the outcome.