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Documentary: Tick Days

photo of Larry Dapsis

Saturday, September 30th at Noon

TICK DAYS is a documentary addressing the growing and under-recognized health crisis here on the Cape and across New England. The threat from ticks is no longer just about Lyme disease. Deer ticks carry new pathogens, such as Powassan virus. And a new tick, called Lone Star, has established itself on Cape Cod. "It's hand to hand combat. You can't afford to lose a single fight!"

The film was directed and produced by Marnie Crawford Samuelson and Shane Hofeldt. It features Barnstable County Extension's Tick Man, Larry Dapsis- part tick detective, part evangelist- as he tries to protect Cape Codders and visitors from becoming infected. 

Join us to view this documentary and take part in a discussion with Larry Dapsis and Marnie Crawford Samuelson on this important topic.