Thursday, August 31st at 6:30
Local author and historian Nils V. Bockmann will be at the library to tell the tale of Pelege Nye, the Jonah of Cape Cod.
Pelege Nye, a 19th century Cape Cod whaler knew the story of Jonah. Every whaler did. Nye is the only one known to have duplicated the biblical tale. On a whaling voyage in 1865, Nye was at the prow of a small whale boat ready to deliver the deathblow to a harpooned sperm whale. He was knocked off of the boat and straight into the whale's gaping mouth. Hunter and hunted slipped beneath the surface. Miraculously, Nye survived!
Through meticulous research, author Nils V. Bockmann recreates the life of Pelege Nye and the dangerous world in which he lived. Join us for this fascinating presentation on a local tale.