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Saltworks of Cape Cod

drawn map of cape cod

Thursday, August 3rd at 6:00

Join Robert Kelley for a special talk on the Cape Cod Saltworks. The presentation will discuss early salt production in Europe, the dynamics of salt exports to America in the 17th and 18th centuries, as well as the expansion, and decline of the industry in Barnstable County. Join us to explore the probable cause for the development of manufacturing salt by solar evaporation by Capt. John Sears of Yarmouth/Dennis in the early Federal Period, and to learn more about this local industry.

Robert Dudley Kelley of South Yarmouth is a trustee with the Historical Society of Old Yarmouth, a researcher and writer of the local history of South Yarmouth with concentration in the subjects of genealogy, saltworks, Quakers, and the Native Americans of that town. He is published in the New England Historic and Genealogical Register, and local publications in Barnstable County. He is the current Chief Operating Officer of Dennis East International.