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Ayurvedic Look at Environmental Toxins

Thursday, May 11th at 6pm

Join us to learn about the Ayurvedic perspective on environmental toxins. Xiomy Avila & Chris Dynega will be back to discuss the basics of Ayurveda and how ingesting toxins and chemicals effects our gut/brain. They will also discuss how to prevent against absorbing toxins and how to flush them out of your system.

Xiomy and Chris studied Ayurveda in Kerala, India, at the College of Ayurveda and Panchakarma. Chris studied herbology, advanced massage, diagnosis of patients and preparation of Ayurvedic medicines. Xiomy enrolled in several other courses including Yoga Therapy, and Ayurvedic Pregnancy care. They are both Ayurvedic Practitioners in Chatham, who are passionate about practicing and sharing their knowledge.