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Local Poet Ronald Harrison Fenn

Saturday, April 1st at 12:30pm

Ronald Harrison Fenn will be back at the library to present "Henry David Thoreau: All Nature is My Bride" to help us kick-off National Poetry Month and as part of the Dennis Libraries' year long celebration of Henry David Thoreau. The program will include readings of some of Thoreau's works as well as some of Mr. Fenn's original poetry and journal prose that take inspiration from Thoreau and Cape Cod.

Mr. Fenn is the author of fifteen volumes of journal, five collections of ongoing poetry, one short story, numerous essays, book reviews, letters, and public lectures for the past fifty years. In 2014 one of his poems was published in a Dennis Conservation Trust newsletter.

A Cape Cod resident, Mr. Fenn is semi-retired, devoting most of his time to writing poems, his journals, correspondence, traveling, and working on a thirty-five year research project focused on uncovering the historical roots, tenets, and experience of unique American character that defines us as a nation. He has been a guest lecturer at various public schools, colleges, and post-graduate institutes of higher learning and civic organizations with topics ranging from poetry and early American history to critical thinking skills. He recently completed a series of poetic reflections of select Robert Frost poems of the seasons. He teaches mathematics as an adjunct faculty member at Cape Cod Community College and is widely known for his StartSmart and SatSmart tutorial programs that have resulted in outstanding achievements for students from Cape Cod’s public and private schools.

~This program is Henry David Thoreau approved! Keep an eye out for other nature related programs all year long!~