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Friday, May 29 at 12:00 pm
Visiting author Louise Bruyn discusses her book She Walked for All of Us: One Woman’s 1971 Protest against an Illegal
War. Bruyn will talk
about the walk that she chronicled in her book and read from her work. This is
a free event.
In 1971, America had been at war in Vietnam for almost
six years. The death toll was rising, both for the United States and North Vietnam.
Louise Bruyn, a wife and a mother of three teenage children, said, “Someone
should walk to Washington to tell the government to stop this war!” And that is
exactly what Bruyn did. With only 12 days to decide and prepare, Bruyn alone walked
for 45 days and 450 miles from her home in Newton, Massachusetts, to
Washington, DC, to tell Congress and the President they must stop this war. On
April 2, Massachusetts’ Senator Ted Kennedy and Representative Robert Drinan
met her on the Capitol steps. Her walk captured national attention. People all
over the country rallied to support her. Over and over, they told Bruyn, “You
are walking for me.”
Midwest Book Review found the book to be “deftly written,
personally candid, often insightful, occasionally inspiring, always engaging. She
Walked for All of Us, One Woman's197l Protest Against an Illegal War is an
iconic read and highly recommended for anyone who has ever aspired to protest
against a perceived social or governmental injustice. [It] would make an
enduringly important addition to community and college library social activism
and 20th century American biography collections.”
Thursday, May 14 at 6:30 pm
Come meet Kathleen Sullivan, your fashion advisor. For over 20 years she has been selling women's clothing and accessories. Her focus is always on the latest trends. In this workshop you will learn the newest scarf tying techniques. Bring a favorite or new scarf, and Kathleen will demonstrate to you how to show it off to its best advantage. You'll also discover the best jewelry and colors for you. The event promises to be a fun and interactive good time. Space is limited, so please call to register: 508-760-6219.
E. Michael DelPapa first became interested in Photography in his mid-thirties, when film was still the reigning medium. The demands of a full time job and a young and growing family—coupled with the costs associated with film—limited the time and resources that he could devote to his photography. Now retired, he has the luxury of unmortgaged time with which to take photographs. Combine this with the revolution wrought by digital photography, and throw in living on Cape Cod—a Photographer’s Garden of Eden—and he now possesses all he needs to indulge his passion for Photography.
He hopes you enjoy viewing his photographs as much as he enjoyed taking them. The photographs on display are available to view during most of the library's open hours.
Friday, April 24 at 1:00 pm
Local poet Ronald Harrison
Fenn presents “A Walk through Words” as part of National Poetry Month. Mr. Fenn
has been the author of fifteen volumes of journal, five collections of ongoing
poetry, one short story, numerous essays, book reviews, letters, and public
lectures for the past fifty years. In 2014 one of his poems was published in a
Dennis Conservation Trust newsletter.
A Dennis resident, Mr. Fenn
is presently semi-retired, devoting most of his time to writing poems and his
journals, traveling, and working on a thirty-five year research project focused
on uncovering the historical roots, tenets, and experience of unique American
character that define us as a nation. He has been a guest lecturer at various
public schools, colleges, post-graduate institutes of higher learning and civic
organizations with topics ranging from poetry and early American history to
critical thinking skills. He recently completed a series of poetic reflections
of select Robert Frost poems of the seasons. He teaches mathematics as an
adjunct faculty member at Cape Cod Community College and is widely known for
his StartSmart and SatSmart tutorial programs that have resulted
in outstanding achievements for students from Cape Cod’s public and private