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Debut author James Whitfield Thomson

Saturday, November 16 at 12:00 pm 

Meet author James Whitfield Thomson. His extraordinary debut novel Lies You Wanted to Hear (November 5, 2013; Sourcebooks Landmark; Paperback Original; 9781402284281) has earned praise from writers such as Jodi Picoult, Andre Dubus II, and Margot Livesey. His work creates a haunting, shattering portrait of how a fissure between two people, over decades, becomes a canyon too wide to bridge. Inspired by the true story of a Boston family, Lies You Wanted to Hear questions if we can ever truly know the people we marry—and, given the chance, if we would make the same decisions again.

James Whitfield Thomson was an early member of the late Andre Dubus’s writers’ workshop, along with Elizabeth Berg, George Packer and Dennis Lehane. He grew up on the North Side of Pittsburgh, attended Harvard College on scholarship, and earned a Ph.D. in American Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. A former U.S. Navy navigator in Vietnam, Thomson’s writing has appeared in Agni and The Ledge, and received a grant from the Massachusetts Council for the Arts. The author lives in Natick, Massachusetts, with his wife. Visit the author’s website at: www.jameswhitfieldthomson.com

Books will be available for sale and signing.