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Henry Beston's Cape Cod

Thursday, August 8 at 6:30 pm

Don Wilding, co-founder and executive director of the non-profit organization the Henry Beston Society, will introduce our audience to Henry Beston, the author of The Outermost House

Don’s multi-media presentation features photographs and documentary film footage, chronicling the story of Beston, a native of Quincy, MA, who found peace on the outer beach of Eastham after he served as an ambulance driver during World War I. He spent a solitary year in a 20 x 16 foot cottage on the beach and discovered his true voice as a writer. His Outermost House, written in 1927, is now considered an American classic on the level of the works of Thoreau, Muir, and other noted nature writers. It was quoted heavily in the National Park’s reports on Cape Cod, sealing the Cape Cod National Seashore’s establishment as a national treasure.