Get ready for Halloween with creepy stories that haunt America's greatest pastime. Author Dan Gordon arrives to scare our audience in an event rescheduled from last month. He and co-author Mickey Bradley have just released Field of Screams: Creepy Tales from the Baseball Diamond, the Locker Room, and Beyond. He'll have his hair-raising body of work on hand, including Cape Encounters: Contemporary Cape Cod Ghost Stories and Haunted Baseball: Ghosts, Curses, and Eerie Events, for sale and signing.
5 Hall Street, Dennis Port, MA 02639 508-760-6219
Open: Tuesday - Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Friday & Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
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Author Dan Gordon - rescheduled event
Saturday, October 23 at 2:00 pm
Get ready for Halloween with creepy stories that haunt America's greatest pastime. Author Dan Gordon arrives to scare our audience in an event rescheduled from last month. He and co-author Mickey Bradley have just released Field of Screams: Creepy Tales from the Baseball Diamond, the Locker Room, and Beyond. He'll have his hair-raising body of work on hand, including Cape Encounters: Contemporary Cape Cod Ghost Stories and Haunted Baseball: Ghosts, Curses, and Eerie Events, for sale and signing.
Get ready for Halloween with creepy stories that haunt America's greatest pastime. Author Dan Gordon arrives to scare our audience in an event rescheduled from last month. He and co-author Mickey Bradley have just released Field of Screams: Creepy Tales from the Baseball Diamond, the Locker Room, and Beyond. He'll have his hair-raising body of work on hand, including Cape Encounters: Contemporary Cape Cod Ghost Stories and Haunted Baseball: Ghosts, Curses, and Eerie Events, for sale and signing.